This free online tool has been designed to complement the Bay OK Garden Guide and to assist residents to assess their homes and gardens against the Bay OK Garden principles. As you progress through the assessment it provides advice on the three Bay OK Garden principles: 1) Minimising nutrient runoff 2) Conserving water 3) Supporting local biodiversity
- We recommend you call into GeoCatch to get your free copy of the Bay OK Garden Guide or download an electronic copy to see how to achieve Bay OK’s gardening principles in your own backyard.
Thanks for completing the GeoCatch Bay OK Garden Assessment. We will send you a copy of your responses and the outcomes from this assessment to the email address you provided. We appreciate your participation and hope the garden tips will assist in making your garden Bay OK.
Your total Bay OK Assessment result is ‐ this Grade is
How does the rating work? A score above 75% is Excellent, 75% – 50% is Average and below 50% is Poor.
This assessment tool was developed by GeoCatch and supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State Natural Resource Management program.