Revegetating your waterway.
Under the Rivercare Program, GeoCatch are able to offer funding to landholders in the Geographe Catchment to revegetate along waterways on their property.
Whether you have remnant bush on your property or want to create more natural corridors, your farm business will benefit from planting trees. More trees in the landscape creates windbreaks, shade and cooling for livestock, soil stabilisation and can also assist with drainage.
Farmers can make a big difference by revegetating waterways on their property too. Riparian vegetation filters nutrients and improves water quality. It also stabilises river banks and supports local biodiversity.
Extensive areas of riparian vegetation have been cleared or waterways modified for farming and urban development. These modifications have removed aquatic habitat, and increased stream bank erosion and downstream sediment loads.
How does it work?
To begin, a GeoCatch Rivercare Officer will visit the property to do a site assessment, discuss ideas and develop a plan with the landholder.
Every project is going to be different so GeoCatch will work with each farmer to develop a revegetation project specific their property and waterway, and provide support throughout the process..
What am I responsible for?
Landholders will be responsible for preparing the site, planting the seedlings and maintaining the site (by watering and weeding).
GeoCatch will assist you with selecting and ordering the appropriate plants for your area, as well as providing the equipment for planting (such as tree guards and stakes). All plants & equipment will be paid for by GeoCatch.
Am I eligible?
Funding is available for farmers wanting to revegetate the waterway on their Geographe property. To be eligible you must:
- Farm in the Geographe catchment;
- Run livestock;
- Be situated on a waterway or drain.
Contact us to discuss potential revegetation projects on your property.
To find out more about waterways in the Geographe Catchment:
- Revitalising Geographe Waterways
- River Action Plans providing summaries of waterways within the catchment (including flora & fauna, management issues and recommendations).
- Sub-Catchment Plans for each river system in the catchment with information on water quality and hydrology.
For information regarding flora within the Geographe Catchment:
- Geographe Community Landcare Nursery
- Boyanup Botanical
- Florabase – Western Australian Flora Database
Case Study
Zoe’s project has involved site preparation, installation of fencing to keep her cows out of the creek and revegetation with about 2,000 native seedlings.

Revegetation project on a Yoganup farm near Abba River.