Nutrient Best Management Practices
Nutrient Best Management Practices (BMPs) for south-west Western Australian grazing enterprises
The BMPs were developed to provide south-west beef, sheep and dairy farmers with clear and practical advice to optimise farm nutrients and reduce impacts to the environment, all the while maintaining a productive and profitable enterprise.
The guidelines, launched in August 2022, have been developed over the last two years with input from local farmers, fertiliser and grazing industries, scientists, agronomists, and catchment groups. They follow internationally recognised nutrient principles of applying fertiliser: the right source, the right rate, right time, and right place, and provide additional information for farmers on how to meet best practice and why its relevant to the south-west grazing industry.
With assistance from GeoCatch, farmers can benchmark their farming practices against the BMPs, and eventually will be able to see how they perform, compared with averages across the south-west. The benchmarking is an important aspect of the BMPs for farmers to demonstrate sustainability and improvements over time.
Want to know how your farm compares against the best management practices?
Let us help put the pieces of the puzzle together to ensure that you are operating your farm business to meet best practice. GeoCatch can assist you to package all your farm nutrient information together into a BMP Nutrient Plan, that outlines your goals and vision, whilst providing clear and achievable recommendations for your farm for nutrient management into the future.
To register your interest in obtaining a complimentary BMP Nutrient Plan, customised for your farm, please contact GeoCatch by email
The BMPs have been developed with funding from the State Government’s Healthy Estuaries WA program and through the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.