It’s that time of the year when we reflect on our collective achievements for the year. And we couldn’t be prouder of what we have accomplished!
2020/21 was an exciting year for us at GeoCatch. A major focus was working with farmers to keep nutrients on-farm and out of our precious waterways. We continued to work with the urban community to protect the critically endangered western ringtail possum and other wildlife. Our Garden Guardians of the Bay campaign was launched with the aim to change the behaviours of urban gardeners to protect the Bay. Our events were more diverse and attracted new audiences as we learnt to work within COVID-19 restrictions and keep our community safe.
We continued to work in partnership to better manage waterways, care for our local environment, foster community stewardship and advocate to protect the Geographe Bay Catchment for everyone.
Some of our 2020/21 achievements include:
- 11,587 seedlings planted on private and public land
- 10.31 km stock exclusion fencing along waterways
- 1038 event participants at 31 events
- 45 farmers supported with soil testing and/or stream restoration
- 143 garden surveys to assess behaviours
A snapshot of our projects from across the Catchment is included in a community infographic.
We would like to thank our partners who make this important work possible and our community for sharing our passion for the environment.